
Intercom systems and solutions

What is an intercom?

An intercom is a personal telecommunications device which facilitates the exchange of messages between two or more locations where standard vocal communication would be difficult or impossible due to distance or obstructions. 

    Once a visitor has announced his or her presence over the intercom the occupant of the premises decides whether to let them in or not. More advanced systems will feature video in addition to audio capabilities, allowing even easier and more accurate identification of visitors on the part of the occupant. Conceivably, even further layers of reporting can be incorporated into intercom systems such as, for example, metal detectors and chemical sensors in areas where the need for high security is great.
Voice-activated intercoms or Audio Intercom units are tremendously useful refinement on standard intercom system. They have been used to great effect to monitor babies and others requiring attention, who are for some reason unable to operate regular intercom buttons, such as the ill or infirm. Intercoms are of course not limited to two-way communication either. 

There is no theoretical limit to the number of individuals who can be connected via an intercom and little practical limit to the number on a centrally controlled wireless system. Such multiple-point systems are used to great effect in places where announcements and communication are required, such as schools, supermarkets, hospitals, factories and airports. Not only can one person use such an intercom system to simultaneously communicate to all present, but those also who have access to the system can use it to keep in contact with one another. 

Types of Intercom Systems 


Before the invention of wireless technology that we all love so much, everything had to be hard-wired. That means that every speaker and station is connected with real, physical wires. While that may sound strange in today’s anti-wire world, hard-wired systems are still relatively common in homes and businesses. 


Typically, hard-wired intercom systems are installed during construction of the building. The wires need to be run inside of the walls, just like electrical lines. Installing a hard-wired system in a preexisting building can be costly and time consuming. 

Although it’s a bit more expensive, a hard-wired system offers unparalleled clarity, security and reliability. Unlike in a wireless system, there are no networks that could potentially crash or be hacked, and since everything is wired together, the signal isn’t susceptible to interference. 


Despite the reliability and clarity of a hard-wired system, wireless intercom systems have largely dominated the market in recent years due to their low cost and ease of use. Instead of having a crew come to your business or home and knock down walls to install wires, just open the box, charge the batteries and it’s ready to use. 

Wireless intercom systems rely on radio frequencies to communicate. Most modern solutions connect to the internet either through Wi-Fi or data connection like 3G, while some work as two-way radios. 

The main issue that plagues wireless systems is distance. Wi-Fi signal and radio frequencies have a limited range. If your front door is too far away from your home’s router, the signal might not be strong enough for the intercom system to work effectively. Systems that rely on radio frequencies can sometimes have interference, like hearing other people on a walkie talkie. Wireless systems are also the least secure, as they’re the easiest to hack. 


Carrier-current intercom systems work with the existing electrical systems in the building. They use AC power to produce medium-frequency AM signals to communicate between hubs. Carrier-current systems are cheaper to install than hard-wired systems but offer less clarity. This antiquated type of intercom system is also susceptible to interference. 

Automatic Gate Entry 

Automatic gate entry intercom systems are very similar to other systems, except for a few more options. In addition to audio, automatic gate entry systems have the ability to lock and unlock gates and doors remotely. Most modern systems also have cameras so you can see who’s on the other end. These are typically hard-wired systems because of the distance required to reach from the house to the front gate. Smaller automatic gate entry intercom systems that attach to your front door can be operated wirelessly if they’re in range of your home’s Wi-Fi signal. 

Mobile Connection

Most modern intercom systems, whether hard-wired or wireless, offer the ability to connect to your mobile phone through an app, so you can always see and talk to people at your business or home no matter where you are. As long as you have a mobile connection, you can use your intercom system. Some intercom systems, like the Airphone JO, offer the best of both words. You can have a secure, reliable, hard-wired system with all the convenience of a mobile app. 

Intercom System Features to Look For 

  Internet Connectivity: Integrate your intercom system with Wi-Fi, smart voice assistants, or other internet-of-things online channels. 

Remote Access: Access your intercom system from your smartphone or tablet. 

Video Calling: Integrate cameras into your intercom system to enable an important visual element for security and communication. 

Scalability: As a company grows, so too must the intercom system. But not all intercom systems can be up-leveled easily. If you anticipate growth in the near term, look for systems that can scale alongside your business. 

Group Calling: Need to make announcements, alerts, or otherwise speak to an entire network at once? Group calling features let you broadcast to all intercom nodes at once. 

Noise Cancellation: Some intercoms offer noise-blunting features, ideal for intercom systems in areas with loud machinery or ringing phones. 

Extended Range Hubs: Wireless systems rely on proximity to be effective, so if wireless intercom systems are spaced far apart, you may need extended range capabilities. 

Most wireless systems can reach up to 300 meters when the signal is unobstructed. If you’re interested in using a wireless intercom at the front gate of your business, you might want to look into a system that features an extended range. Systems with an extended range can send a signal over 1,500 meters! If you’re just looking for an intercom to install in your home, that range might be unnecessary. It all depends on your specific needs. 

Intercom Systems: Who Needs a Video Intercom?

Homes and Businesses that Value Security 

Everyone wants to feel safe, and installing an intercom system is a great way to provide you, your family and/or your employees with an additional sense of security and peace of mind. For those looking for the best security that an intercom can provide, only a video intercom system will do. 


Although they won’t replace a standard CCTV camera system, video intercoms can act as a real-time surveillance system. Want to know what’s happening on the retail floor? Just use the intercom in your office to take a quick look. You might not be able to record or see in high definition like you can with a CCTV camera, but a video intercom system is a quick and easy way to take a look around your property without having to leave the room. 

Report Intruders 

If you’re using your video intercom system and see someone that shouldn’t be there, you can quickly, and discreetly, contact the local authorities from the safety of your locked room without the intruder knowing. If you have a video intercom at the front entrance of your property, you’ll be able to see and report potential intruders before they even enter the building. 

Crime Prevention 

Much like seeing security cameras scattered around a property, video intercom systems are an effective deterrent for criminals. Most crimes are crimes of opportunity. Criminals are always looking for an easy score. Just the presence of video surveillance equipment, whether it be CCTV cameras or a video intercom, is enough to make potential criminals think twice about entering your property. 

Gated Properties 

Isn’t it annoying having to open and close the gate for every person that comes through? Most businesses with gates just leave them open to avoid hassle, or hire a security guard to let people in. With a video intercom system, you can verify the identity of you visitors and “buzz” them in without having to leave the comfort of your office. 

Businesses with Restricted Areas 

Whether it be filled with sensitive information or dangerous machines, many businesses have areas that are off limits to visitors or even certain employees. Just like on the front gate, business owners can use video intercom systems to restrict access to rooms and areas inside the building as well. 

Homes with Young Children 

Your home is your fortress, and it’s important to know who’s at the front door when the doorbell rings. With a video intercom system, you can see who’s standing on your front porch without having to open the door and address them in person. If they aren’t someone you’re expecting, you can keep the door locked and keep your family safe. 

Intercom Systems: Making the Right Choice

Wireless vs. Wired 

The first thing you need to decide is whether you need a wired or a wireless intercom system. There are pros and cons to each. Generally, if you prefer ease of installation and cost-effectiveness, a wireless system might be right for you. If you prefer security and reliability above all else, then a wired system will be the best choice. 


Wireless intercom systems are the simplest to install. For most, all you have to do is take it out of the box, insert batteries and turn it on. After installation costs, wireless systems tend to be the most cost effective. 

While they’re certainly simple to install, wireless systems also have some faults. Because they’re wireless, they have a limited range, which can also be hindered by obstacles like walls and machinery. If you have a large property or are looking to install an intercom system on the front gate, a wireless system might not suit your needs. They also tend to be less secure. Since they communicate using radio signals like a two-way radio, radio interference is a possibility. Other radio transmitters in the area could potentially pick up your intercom’s signal by accident (or on purpose). 


Wired intercom systems, by definition, require wires to connect each intercom station. That means they need to be professionally installed. If you don’t like the sight of wires along your walls and ceilings, then you might even have to break open the drywall to run the wires behind the wall. The best time to install a wired system is during construction of a property. Otherwise, it could be a painful and expensive hassle. 

But just because they’re harder to install, doesn’t mean there aren’t perks. Wired intercom systems are much more reliable and secure compared to wireless systems. Because the intercoms are physically connected, distance between stations isn’t an issue. They’re also harder for criminals to break into, since everything operates on a closed circuit. 

Video vs. Audio-Only 

Video intercom systems are quickly gaining popularity due to their superiority when it comes to security. It can be hard to tell who the person on the other end of the line is based on voice alone. If you can see their face on a monitor, it leaves no doubt. 

Obviously, choosing a video intercom system over an audio-only system is going to be more expensive, but if you’re going to be using your intercom to validate visitors remotely, a video-enabled system is hard to beat. If you’re only going to be using your intercom system for communication around the workplace, then an audio-only system might be sufficient and save you some money. 

Gate Entry 

Intercom systems offer unparalleled access control over your property. You can verify the identity of visitors before you open the door. Some intercom systems can even lock and unlock doors remotely with the push of a button. 

Gate entry intercom systems are perfect for your front gate, front door and/or any other secure areas of your property. You can validate visitors and allow or deny entry without ever leaving the room. Pair with a video intercom system for maximum access control over your property. 

Mobile Accessibility 

Many intercom systems offer remote accessibility right from your smartphone or tablet. You’ll be able to hear and see (if you choose a video intercom system) what’s going on in your home or business from anywhere in the world. If you have a gate-entry system, you can even open doors, gates and garages from your mobile device. 

Advantages of intercom systems and solutions 

  1. Monitoring

      Video intercom systems allow you to not just talk but also view the person. You can install the intercom system on the front door. High-quality systems have an HD camera that allows you to see and talk to the person on the other end of the phone. 

  1. Ease of Communication

     While COVID restrictions may have ended, a lot of people are still working from home. An intercom system provides convenience in such situations. It saves time and provides convenience to household members in communicating with each other. 

  1. Access Control

     Modern intercom systems are connected with the door lock. This provides convenience as you don’t have to get up and unlock the door yourself. You can talk with the person through the intercom and let them in by pressing a button on the receiver end. 

  1. Increase Home Security

A surveillance system will complement your existing home security systems. It will act as a deterrent to burglars trying to get inside your house. If you have security guards, you can quickly let them know about an intruder. 

  1. Cost-Effective

It will save time and money with an overall lower cost of ownership! You can be confident the system will be around and functioning for years to come. 


As with any other investments, some homeowners may be wary about investing in intercom systems. If you are among those who think that buying an intercom system for your house is just a waste of money, it’s time to re-think. The intercom system serves a lot of functions that could greatly benefit your home.

But before you finally buy one, make sure you spend time looking around for the best unit and model that will fit your household’s needs. There are numerous models available out there. You just have to pick the one that will serve your needs.

At we offer a wide variety of intercom systems . Contact us for more information on the right intercom system for your business

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